
Depression Bipolar between joy and sadness

Depression Bipolar between joy and sadness

"This page seeks to give an overview of as well as to define manic depression, which is a condition where the moods of a person alternate between mania and depression.. Everyone experiences sadness, bad days, and blue moods from time to time. is to define what normal sadness is and how it is distinct from depression. . "
Depression Bipolar between joy and sadness
Bipolar disorder (also called manic-depressive depression or bipolar depression) is a disease characterized by periods of depression (depressive episodes), followed by periods of euphoria (manic episodes), which go beyond the normal feelings of happiness, frustration or sadness. There are two types of bipolar disorders, where the type 1 refers to manic or mixed episodes that can last a week, alternating with depressive episodes. They are sometimes so severe that hospitalization is necessary. 2 bipolar disorder is less severe. It is characterized by periods of depression and hypomanic periods that do not reach the hobby as such.

Cause of bipolar disorder

Experts are not sure what causes it, or which may increase the risk of autism. However, genes play a role. While bipolar disorder can be inherited, the gene changes may trigger the disease. Also, is believed to have a relationship with an imbalance of brain chemicals.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of this disease are diverse, which makes diagnosis difficult to point to different causes. It is often confused with depression, can take years to realize that actually suffer from bipolar depression.

Signs related to depressive states: discouragement, sadness, change in sleep and eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, disinterest, withdrawal, loss of energy and fatigue, thoughts of suicide.

In a manic episode are often symptoms such as: euphoria, extreme optimism, inflated self-esteem, irritability and agitation, rapid speech and racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, impulsive behavior, among others.

Bipolar disorder is a disease that must be treated for life, with frequent psychiatric evaluation, where treatments are prescribed to take, with dose adjusted for each person. It is very important the support of family and bipolar people may feel they are ill and will not be able to lead a normal life, which is possible if you perform work that is not too stressful, leading a healthy life and have with the support of loved ones.

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