JLab USB Laptop Speakers – Portable, Compact, Travel Notebook Speaker for PC and Mac – B-Flex Hi-Fi Stereo USB Laptop Speaker – Pearl White

"Archives: July 2008; Categories: Reviews; USB Laptop Speaker Sources. JLab Audio; kensington; logitech; Meta: Register; Log in; Entries RSS; Comments RSS. Compatibility Need better sound from your laptop? The B-Flex is an ultra compact and stylish USB speaker on a flex cable that WIRED magazine says "Puts laptop . "
- Archives: July 2008; Categories: Reviews; USB Laptop Speaker Sources. JLab Audio; kensington; logitech; Meta: Register; Log in; Entries RSS; Comments RSS.
- Compatibility Need better sound from your laptop? The B-Flex is an ultra compact and stylish USB speaker on a flex cable that WIRED magazine says "Puts laptop .
Feature :
- Plug and play for PC* and Mac. Uses only USB power, no wires or batteries!
- Simple to use. Incredibly compact and portable. Fantastic for journey!
- Produces crystal clear sound with dual 1-watt digital amps and 2 high output full range micro drivers.
- This incredible doohickey was featured in the NY Times, on ABC News, in WIRED magazine, and on virtually every doohickey site in the world.
- Patented flexible point allows you to really customize your listening experience by flexing the lecturer into virtually any position.
Need better sound from your mainframe? The B-Flex is an even more compact and stylish USB lecturer on a flex cable that WIRED magazine says “Puts mainframe speakers to shame.” The B-Flex generates incredible sound quality using only the power from your USB port, without batteries or wires. Engineered for portability and performance, this clever lecturer utilizes 2 digital amplifiers and 2 full range high output micro drivers to achieve crystal clear sound and surprisingly powerful volume. It’s simple to use…just plug it in to your USB, flex it to your desired position, and take pleasure in incredible sound! It’s ultimate for enjoying MP3s, DVDs, Internet Radio, YouTube, and Gaming, on the go or while roving. The B-Flex is also used by tens of thousands of people for
Readmore the highlights and feature of this JLab USB Mainframe Speakers – Portable, Compact, Journey Notebook Lecturer for PC and Mac – B-Flex Hi-Fi Stereo USB Mainframe Lecturer – Pearl Colorless
124 of 127 people found the following review helpful
Startling sound, February 12, 2007 By SOGWAP “pistis” (Everyplace in the USA) – See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Buy(What’s this?) Fantastic sound from a small package. This is the tiniest unit and you would by no means estimate but it has a huge sound for it’s size. I have an Acer mainframe which I like. It’s performance is practically flawless — Except the speakers, which are the worst. You can barely hear music from them. So I bought these speakers for a boost in sound and they work fantastic. I reflect they’re priced a small high, but they do have a tremendous sound for the size. Very portable and simple to take along.I would recommend them for the traveler. Here a fantastic addition for a mainframe with low sound performance and very portable.
100 of 102 people found the following review helpful
Terrific Small Lecturer with Clear, Strong Sound, September 6, 2007 By Jus Sayin’ (USA) – See all my reviews
After conception several dozen consumer reviews describing mainframe speakers I puchased this one. You austerely plug it into your mainframe, or USB hub, swivel the gooseneck to position the lecturer where you want, and you’ve got an brilliant lecturer that fits in a small mainframe utility bag. The only complaint I have is that here is no instant volume control; once you’ve plugged it into your USB port, it overrides the mainframe’s volume control “knob”. You have to open the volume icon in your Control Panel every time you want to change the lecturer volume, which can be too slow when you’re being blasted by a loud video. This is not to say that here is anything incorrect with the volume modulation in the lecturer itself, just that here seems to be a wide volume range across items I view–YouTube, send by e-mail messages with videos from friends, etc. If this lecturer had a volume control knob it would be perfect!
218 of 235 people found the following review helpful
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DELL LAPTOPS, September 1, 2007 After several weeks of light, mid-volume use, the lecturer stopped working on my Dell Latitude D500 and I started receiving error messages noting a “device malfunction”. After trading emails with J-Lab customer service, I was instructed to return the lecturer by mail (at my expense) for a refund. The refund I received was 80% of the original buy price because, according to J-Lab, the device was still “working” upon receipt. The representative usage the return acknowledged that here has, in fact, been a history of compatibility issues with Dell laptops– in other words, a “working” lecturer may not always operate correctly when connected to a Dell mainframe. Is trying this lecturer on your Dell value the risk of paying two sets of shipping charges, bringing up the rear 20% of the buy price, and costs time emailing representatives and repacking/mailing the device? If not, maybe it’s value considering alternatives.
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- Archives: July 2008; Categories: Reviews; USB Laptop Speaker Sources. JLab Audio; kensington; logitech; Meta: Register; Log in; Entries RSS; Comments RSS.
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- Compatibility Need better sound from your laptop? The B-Flex is an ultra compact and stylish USB speaker on a flex cable that WIRED magazine says "Puts laptop .
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- If you're reading this on a laptop, the odds are good that your speakers can cause an audiophile to suffer severe internal bleeding. And while that's not necessarily .
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