Zeus on the Loose Reviews
"http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/ Join the Cyberchase fandom at http://thenorthernfrontier.freeforums.org/index.php Thanks to nindanjoe for the recording . Buy Zeus on the Loose Card Game - Catch Zeus if you can! Customer Reviews Summary. Your Order. Track My Order; Returns; Cancellations; Help. Safety Information;. "
- Ages 8 and up
Grab Zeus when the total reaches a multiple of 10. Better yet, summon the strength of Apollo, Poseidon, or all-powerful Hera to bring Zeus within your grasp. Reach the top of Mount Olympus with Zeus in hand and you’re a mortal among the gods. To play is human…To win, divine! Includes 60 cards, Zeus figurine and instructions.
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